Catholic Plebs

Why Nice isn't a Virtue

The collective members of the Catholic Plebs Season 5 Episode 1

Niceness carries within its essence no love.

This is because niceness is the action of courtesy and politeness: which are not virtues, but values of a society.

Thus niceness seeks only to cause no offense, no violence, and puts forth only the acceptable actions of a culture.

Love on the other hand, out of concern for others, would administer the violence of truth as a life-saving remedy to prevent everlasting death

But love would not be content with simply administering the truth. For when love came down in the form of man, He mingled an abundance of compassion, gentleness, and understanding while distributing the truth.

If niceness was a doctor, it would deny a patient a life-saving surgery, so has to do no harm.

Love would administer the anesthetic of gentleness, understanding, and compassion in the surgery of administering the truth for the ends of healing.

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